1.GaAs substrate
1.1 Type of conductivity n-type
1.2 Resistivity om cm no more than 0,008
1.3 Orientation (100)
1.4 Misorientation of the surface (1-3)degree
2. Epitaxial Layer GaAsP
2.2 Type of conductivity n-type
2.3 Dopant Te
2.4 Carrier concentration 0,2-3,10*17 (cm3)
2.5 The wavelength of the PL,nm 645-673
2.6 The thickness of the layer, not less than 30microns
2.7 Deflection, micron no more 127
2.8 Thickness of the structure, mkm 360-600
2.9 Area, cm2 not less than 6,5 |