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КУПЛЮ (16/11 00:08)
Dear Sirs! We are a South Korean company, a direct buyer, intend and are ready to enter into a contract CIF China, for the purchase of any Oil, BLCO, Gas LPG/LNG, Mazut-M100, Aviation kerosene JP54, JET A, JET A-1 and Diesel EN 590, D2, D6.

Diesel marine low-viscosity fuel, light and heavy, IFO 180cst (FUEL OIL), IFO 380cst (FUEL OIL), with gray of not more than 1.5%. with delivery to the port of South Korea.

we are ready to buy Oil BLCO from 10.000.000 million barrels per month to 30.000.000 million barrels per month, send me specification and certificate. CIF China or port of South Korea.

we are ready to buy Gas LPG from 50.000-120.000 MT per month, with increase, send me specification and certificate. CIF China

we are ready to buy Gas LNG from MT per month, with increase, send me specification and certificate. CIF China

Mazut-M100 with gray to 0.5 %, the amount of 500.000 MT per month with an increase, send the specification and the certificate. CIF China

Aviation Kerosene, JP54, JET A1, the volume of 2,000,000 million barrels per month with an increase, send the specification and the certificate. CIF China

Diesel EN 590, with sulfur 0,0001% (4-10 ppm) the amount of 100.000 MT - 500.000 MT per month with an increase, send the specification and the certificate. CIF China

Diesel D2, the amount of 500.000 MT per month with an increase, send the specification and the certificate. CIF China

Diesel D6, the amount of 200.000 MT per month with an increase, send the specification and the certificate. CIF China

if you are a serious seller, send me SCO/FCO with prices and with my payment terms and with my 100% procedure, the procedure and payment terms should be copied and pasted into SCO/FCO 100%.
my procedure and payment terms are not discussed, if he agrees, I wait from the SCO/FCO seller with my procedure and payment terms.

The procedure and terms of payment are non-negotiable.

The buyer's Bank via SWIFT MT 799 notifies the Seller's Bank of its readiness to open a Bank instrument. • Payment method: Seller opens PB 2% of monthly lot, and the buyer opens a Automatically Renewable DLC in the seller's Bank, from the ship's lot.

The procedure and terms of payment are non-negotiable.


1. Seller - the vendor provides SCO- Soft Corporate Offer.

2. Buyer provides this LOI (commercial intention of the buyer indicating desired conditions and procedures);

3. The buyer and the seller agree on the General procedure and the seller issues the FCO accompanied by its documents.

3.1 Agreement with the owner to allocate the volume for sale.

3.2 Agreement with the transport company ( Transneft ) or another company ) on the delivery of the volume to the port.

3.3 Agreement with the port on transshipment and bunkering of volumes.

3.4 Agreement with the shipowner on the freight of ships.

PS. Please note that this package of documents has nothing to do with PPOP and POP and does not require the seller to pay financial costs for their provision, but proves that the seller has access to the product and is ready for its delivery

4. If the "Buyer" agrees with all points of SCO's, he prepares and issues, together with the Bank, ICPO- irrevocable corporate purchase order (application for a compulsory purchase of the goods) c proof of solvency).

5. The seller on the basis of the FCO and ICPO is the draft contract and sends to buyer after making the changes and additions to the buyer and the seller sign the draft contract as a basis for signing the contract face to face in Seoul, South Korea.

6. The seller or his representatives fly to Seoul, South Korea to sign the contract face to face. The buyer undertakes to meet the seller and his representatives, to place in the hotel and to provide decent accommodation at the expense of the buyer, for the entire period of stay of the seller and his representatives.

7. The seller and the buyer sign a valid contract.

8. Within ten (10) days after signing the contract, the seller opens a guarantee of delivery of PB 2% of the monthly lot.

9. Within ten (10) days after the opening of PB 2%, the buyer opens a Automatically Renewable DLC in the seller's Bank, from the ship's lot.

10. After opening the payment guarantee, within twenty (20) calendar days, the seller prepares the shipment and sends the goods.

PS. At the request of the seller, he or his representatives may remain in Seoul, South Korea, until the first shipment arrives and payment, is received on the seller's account.

The procedure and terms of payment are non-negotiable.
Контактное лицо: Андрей.
Наименование предприятия:
Город: Россия
Телефон: 89044485769

Послать сообщение на andrik2309@mail.ru
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Оптовые поставки Лечебной Артезианской воды в Китай (5344)
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Продам куринные лапки. (5423)
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Уголь Антрацит Порт Ливадия (7389)
Реализуем уголь (9169)
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Продам производственную базу в г. Улан-Удэ (6340)
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Сервал (5763)
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Продается База отдыха в Лениградской области (6624)
Купим чагу с документами на экспорт (7984)
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Владивостокская Миллионка, исторический роман, 2 тома (6864)
Продаем брусит (brucite) (6295)
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Аренда лесоперерабатывающего предприятия (пилорамы, жд тупик) (7292)
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Продается турбаза на берегу Байкала (6871)
Продаётся особняк в 600 метров от Кремля. Центр Москвы. (8352)
Продам земельный участок 15,3 га (6755)
Ищу партнера по продаже котят Сервалов в Китае. (7285)
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Купим топливо судовое маловязкое ТСМ (7462)
Тепличное хозяйство 61000м2 собственность г.Иркутск 520000$ (6189)
Продается земельный участок в селе Стеклянуха Приморского края (6572)
Продаётся доходный отель на берегу Чёрного моря (7951)
Продаётся производственное здание в г. Серпухов (6738)
Продается база отдыха на берегу о.Байкал (7553)
Смываемая меловая краска HOLIDAY PAINT (6473)
Продажа мёд липовый 2016г. (7172)
Продаю дом, землю 10 соток ( бухта Лазурная ) (7288)
Предлагаем проект строительства жилого района в Краснодарском крае (8382)
Продам 8 гектаров земли Владивосток (7619)
Продаю гостиницу в гор. Иркутске (7702)
Продаем чугун передельный производство КНДР (7586)
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Абиссинские котята (7765)
Продажа уникальной территории (10461)
Нано-алмаз, продажа (8051)
Нано-графит, продажа (7472)
Продается имущественный комплекс расположенный в г.Чита, Россия (7882)
Производственное помещение 2 этажа 400кв.м. + земля под авто-стоянку (7671)
Продам Белый Нефрит, Зеленый и Красный (кошачий глаз ) речные окатыши (8944)
Продажа Ферросилиция-45 (FeSi 45%) (8848)
Продажа, Цинк электролитический, 99,96 % (9736)
Продажа железорудного концентрата, более 60 % (10327)
Паровозы б/у куплю (13038)